Code of Dredd

Dredd has a highly developed personal code of conduct which was somewhat touched upon it “Dredd the fascist” posts. This post will be about the moral principles that make him the character we all know and love.

Without Judges there is chaos?

Dredd is a firm believer in law and order. Without that belief his whole personality would crash down. This is outlined in the opening scenes of “Dredd”.

When he speaks about choking and convulsion he is actually speaking about himself. Just before the comment about convulsion and choking we see his own hand being “choked” by boxing tape and being squeezed in a choking-like manner.



Just after the comment about the city collapsing under its own weight we see Dredd putting his own gear on. His gear is basically his “weight”.



Citizens in fear of the street?


Are they more afraid of the criminal street gangs or….


…the Judge-gang with their predatory bird symbols?Dredd.2012.gang2.jpg


Necessity of Dredd

Without his persona of the Judge, Dredd would have no sense of self. This is implied in the “rookie scene”.

My belief is that Anderson would have said that Dredd hides his fear behind his anger and control. His fear that the City and his life purpose will collapse without the law and order the Judge system provides.